Volume-4 : Issue-1

The Great Assam Earthquake of 1950: A Historical Review

Authors: Ajanta Sharma & Farha Zaman
SJMS 4(1), 1-10

Risk Analysis and Community Based Disaster Management Plan of Sateek Village, Aizawl District, Mizoram, India

Authors: C. Zoramthara & Lalthakima
SJMS 4(1), 11-20

The New Land Use Policy: A Panacea for Shifting Cultivation in Mizoram

Authors: David Zothansanga & Bobby Beingachhi
SJMS 4(1), 21-29

Carrying Capacity Analysis in Mizoram Tourism

Authors: Ghanashyam Deka & Rintluanga Pachuau
SJMS 4(1), 30-37

Studies on Effect of Copper (Cu2+) on Phosphatase Enzyme Activity and Biomass of Aspergillus niger

Authors: R. Lalfakzuala & H. Lalruatsanga
SJMS 4(1), 38-43

An Overview of 2019 Lok-Sabha Election & Bye-Poll of Aizawl West-I in Mizoram

Authors: Joseph C. Lalremruata
SJMS 4(1), 44-53

Socio-Economic Conditions of Handloom Weavers: A Case Study of Weavers in Zuangtui Cluster, Aizawl, Mizoram

Authors: Lalmalsawmi Renthlei
SJMS 4(1), 54-62

Civil Society Against Corruption: A Study of the Role of Prism in Mizoram

Authors: Lalthakima
SJMS 4(1), 63-69

Integration of the Urban Local Bodies for Disaster Mitigation in Aizawl City

Authors: Malsawmi Pachuau
SJMS 4(1), 70-81

The Contextual Linkages between Recorded Mizo History and Literature: A Critical Analysis

Authors: Ruatdiki Hmar & Vanlaltana Khiangte
SJMS 4(1), 82-89

A Study of Social Provision and Self Esteem among Adolescents

Authors: Saichampuii Sailo, F. Laltlanpari & Samuel Vanlalruata
SJMS 4(1), 90-96