Home > Instructions to the Author


Senhri Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies accepts and publishing the following category of academic writings:

  • Research Article
  • Letters
  • Book reviews
  • Commentaries
  • Correspondence
  • Review articles
  • Technical notes
  • Short communications
  • Case study


Authors are requested to submit their manuscript either in Microsoft Word or LaTeX Format. Sample template can be used for the preparation of manuscript (links provided below).

Microsoft Word:

  1. Title: title should be informative and short in nature
  2. Authors Name and Affiliation: kindly provide full names of all the authors including their affiliation and contact information including email addresses. The corresponding author should provide his/her complete mailing address including telephone numbers. All the correspondence would be made to the corresponding authors only, however intimation regarding the submission will be provided to all the co-authors. As per the instructions from Crossref Organization (https://www.crossref.org/) authors are requested to provide their ORCiD ID (https://orcid.org/).
  3. Abstract: covers few important highlights about the research work including purpose of the study, results and interpretation. It should be a single paragraph with a maximum of 200-300 numbers of words.
  4. Keywords: kindly provide atleast 4 (maximum 8) related to the research work.
  5. Introduction: kindly provide a brief information about the research work, aims and objectives, importance and research background of the topic.
  6. Materials & Methods: to describe about the data or information also about the techniques/way of approach to get the research data.
  7. Results &/or Discussion: give detailed explanation about the result &/or data which are about to describe. Each and every components has to be described properly in order to meet the aims and objectives of the study.
  8. Conclusion: all the outputs/outcomes has to be summarized properly either with the help of a paragraph or point wise if it is difficult to assimilate.
  9. Acknowledgement: it is very important to acknowledge the name of the funding agency along with the reference number of the project/funding. Any person or name of organization could be acknowledged if those are associated with the research work.
  10. Reference: Most of the time the researchers prepare their references manually which may lead to missing of important information about the article to be cited. Therefore it is recommended to use some advanced reference management software like ZoteroMendeley  through online. In this regard the contributors are requested to visit the corresponding website for more details.

Senhri is using the American Psychological Association (APA 6th Edition) Reference Style, for e.g.:

  • For Articles: Pachuau, J. L. (2004). The Spiritual Concerns of a Mercantilist Empire: Church-State Relations in Sixteenth-and Seventeenth-century Portuguese India. Studies in History, 20(1), 31-58.
  • For Book: Pachuau, J. L., & Van Schendel, W. (2015). The camera as witness. Cambridge University Press.
  • For more details kindly visithttps://www.mendeley.com/guides/apa-citation-guide


The following web-links can be used for reference management:


LaTeX User:

LaTeX users are requested to use the LaTeX Templates. All the required informations are attached with the template. It is requested to use a single bibTeX file for the entire references. For any query regarding LaTeX kindly write to us.

  • Tables: all the tables should be placed at the end of the article. Separate pages should be use for every table. Captions should be written in a separate page in the same file.
  • Figures/Artwork/Diagram: it should be placed after the tables at the end of the article. Each figure/artwork/diagram should be placed in a separate page. Likewise separate page should be used for the captions in the same file. The quality of the figures/artwork/diagrams should be good and visible properly having 300 DPI.

Highlights of the research work: write few important points about your research work with maximum 5 lines with bullets.


We encourage the researchers to submit their original works. The authors are requested to submit the manuscript for their own research work. Authors are requested to submit the manuscript with proper citations. However the editorial board will check the Plagiarism (Turnitin/Urkund) for all the manuscript before taking any decision. If the manuscript is plagiarism free (≤10% permissible), then only the articles will be sent for the review process. Authors are requested to provide atleast two names of the reviewer in their corresponding fields. But the editorial board may or may not consider the suggested reviewer. The journal conducts double blind peer review by the eminent/renowned academician/scientist/researchers from recognized institutions/organizations.


Authors are requested to submit their manuscript either by ONLINE or by sending as Attachment through E-mail to senhri@pucollege.edu.in in Microsoft Word format. LaTeX users are requested to submit their manuscript in .pdf format along with all the LaTeX source files in a .zip format. Kindly mention the subject of e-mail as “Submission of Manuscript“.

Online Submission: Click Here

Authors are requested to download: Author’s Guidelines, Manuscript Template & Copyright Transfer Agreement, the links are given below:


Author’s Guidelines

Manuscript Template

Copyright Transfer Agreement