Volume-1 : Issue-2
Transcending Boundaries: Alternative Sexuality and Church Response
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Social Capital and Religion: The Contribution of Church in Mizoram
Encountering the British Expansion: Vandula and Ropuiliani
Significance of the Sialsir Convention in the Mizo Independence Movement
Urban Basic Service Delivery with Reference to Sanitation
Internal Management Problems of Micro Enterprises in Aizawl District, Mizoram
Distribution and availability of sources of Water Supply in Rural Areas of Mizoram
The Genesis of Panchayati Raj and its Dimensions
Innovative Methods of Teaching and Pachhunga University College
Book Review- Makiko Kimura, The Nellie Massacre of 1983, Agency of Rioters (Sage Studies on India’s North East). New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2013, XV+168pp., ISBN 9788-132-111-665.